Dam Nikhar

3gm-6gm twice a day with luke warm water or honey
– cough,cronic caugh
– sore throat
– sopportive therapy for chronic longs disease
Therapatic action
Dam nikhar churna is a best combanition of natural organic herbs and minerals that are blended together to produce fast acting natural remedy for breathing disorder,respiratory disease,cold-cough, asthma, allergic, bronchotic etc.
wonderful combination of antitussive ,muco lactive and expectorent herbs/ compounds like tulsi, bansalochan,nagakeshar, vas, karpur etc. is helpful in eliminating the excessive production and accumulation of mucocic in the respiratory track and develop defence mechanism of respiratory system against allergen.
Dum nikhar churna is an effective herbal compound for the patients who are suffering from COPD,chronic asthma and other respiratory disorder.
– Do not use in cardic patient
– Diabitis